Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lewis J. Obi

Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Treatments Tailored to Achieve Your Goals


Lewis J. Obi, M.D.Dr. Obi is a Jacksonville plastic surgeon who has been helping patients achieve their aesthetic goals and self confidence for years. His commitment to perform plastic and reconstructive surgery using the safest and most advanced techniques is evident in his involvement in the development and pioneering implementation of equipment, products and techniques used today by top plastic surgeons around the world.

Among his most notable advancements in plastic surgery was his partnership with Palomar in the development of it’s SlimLipo/LifeSculpt Laser Lipo Platform, a dual frequency lipo laser capable of simultaneously melting fat and tightening skin more effectively than other leading lipo lasers, even to this day. Dr. Obi was one of the first plastic surgeons in the U.S. to use saline breast implants in breast augmentation, breast reconstruction and breast lift procedures. His most recent major contribution to plastic surgery is improvement to traditional fat transfer by significantly improving the survival rates of transferred fat with nutrients and platelet rich plasma, (PRP). A patient’s own body fat can now be used in place of artificial fillers to sculpt and enlarge breasts and as a natural filler for the face.

These are just a few of the reasons why, thousands of men and women have chosen and often return and refer friends to Dr. Obi for their plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments.

Honors Graduate of Multiple Universities and Post Graduate Programs

Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Lewis J. ObiDr. Obi is Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon with roots. He was born and raised right here in Jacksonville, so it’s no surprise that his interests in aesthetic plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments lead him to pursue degrees here in Florida. Dr. Obi received his first degree at The University of Florida, where he graduated Cum Laude, Rho Chi and Phi Kappa Phi, and received a five year medical degree degree in only three years.

After receiving his first degree, he pursued and received a second degree from the University of Miami where he again graduated Cum Laude, and AOA while working as a full time pharmacist to support his growing family. Residencies included General Surgery, Hand Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery with additional training in Cardiovascular Surgery as well as Heart Transplant Surgery.

Since completing his initial education Dr. Obi has served his patients at his Jacksonville plastic surgery practice; Obi Plastic Surgery and The Samuel Wells SurgiCenter, Florida’s first state licensed ambulatory surgical center for plastic surgery.

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    Career Highlights & Major Achievements

    dr-lewis-j-obi-miami-school-of-medicine-2Dr. Obi began his medical career as a pharmacist after graduating from the University of Florida Cum Laude. His deep understanding of pharmacology enhanced his career as a physician and surgeon.


    dr-lewis-j-obi-pharmacist-2After graduating with many honors from the University of Miami School of Medicine, Dr Obi completed his medical internship in the U.S. Navy. He then completed his plastic surgery training which included additional training in cardiovascular surgery, maxillofacial surgery and hand surgery.


    surgeonShortly after opening his Jacksonville plastic surgery practice; Obi Plastic Surgery, Dr. Obi constructed one of the first free standing outpatient surgery centers in the United States. The Samuel Wells SurgiCenter became the first licensed comprehensive outpatient plastic surgery center in the state of Florida and has and extensive record of patient safety.


    Immediately upon entering private practice, Dr. Obi began to participate in educating medical students, interns and residents of all specialties. He is the author and co-author of multiple publications and magazine articles. During the past several years he has presented at numerous meetings and symposiums in the area of advanced lasers.

    Dr. Obi was named as a co-inventor of an advanced cellulite laser by Palomar Medical Technology of Boston. From 2009 until 2013 he lectured at 12 different medical laser symposiums both nationally and internationally.

    Dr. Obi’s aesthetic plastic surgery center provides the most advanced laser treatments in Jacksonville. He innovated the OPERA Lift Non-Surgical Facelift and the scarless laser breast lift and continues to be one of the most skilled and active providers of SlimLipo | Laser Lipo procedures.

    topdocsToday, Dr. Lewis Obi is more active in his plastic surgery practice then ever. Most of the traditional procedures in plastic surgery have been advanced with a variety of technologies. An example is his proprietary “OPERA Lift” a new non-surgical face and neck lifting procedure. A much earlier invention of Dr. Obi was the LJO brow lift, which is often included with the OPERA Lift. Dr. Lewis Obi, his staff and licensed surgery center continues to provide the most dedicated and personalized care to patients. This along with his track record of safety was featured in Jacksonville Magazines “Top Docs” in 2013, 2014 and 2015.